General Summer Sessions Information

If this is your first time taking a course through Lehigh University, you must activate your Lehigh account by visiting and using the email address that was provided on your application.

If you’ve previously opened an account and no longer have your login credentials, please visit

Once you've established your account, you'll have access to and these other resources:

  • Lehigh University email address (google mail)
  • CourseSite (used for online components of your course)
  • Banner (used for viewing your schedule and grades)

Please note that once your account is established, the Lehigh University email address will be the primary method of communication used to contact you while you are enrolled in a Lehigh course. Any applicable billing information will be sent to you via email as well.

If you have other technical difficulties with your account, please contact the LTS Help Desk for assistance.

Please take note of the registration and add/drop dates on the Academic Calendar. Once you’ve registered for at least one course, you must contact Registration and Academic services using your Lehigh generated email at to request changes.
Please include the CRN, subject, course number, and section. This information is on your acceptance letter or can be found on the course registration menu.

NOTE: If you do not attend your registered course(s) and do not contact our office to drop the course(s) prior to the course start date, you are still financially responsible for tuition per Lehigh University's Financial Responsibility Agreement 

Summer tuition costs can be found on the Bursar's website.

You are responsible for all tuition and fees associated with your registration. Payment for Summer Sessions is according to the Bursar's office Payment Calendar. Payments are made using the Bursar’s Office eBill Suite once you have opened your Lehigh account. You may also assign an authorized user on your account if you are receiving help with your tuition costs.

In order to issue a 1098-T, the Bursar’s office requires a complete W9S.  For additional information, please visit the Bursar’s Office website, or contact them directly in their Live Chat, email or call (610)758-3160.

NOTE: If you do not attend your registered course(s) and do not contact our office to drop the course(s) prior to the course start date, you are still financially responsible for tuition.

University maps are available at the following link:

For Information about summer housing, visit

Questions can be directed to Residential Services by calling (610)758-3500 or emailing

 A meal plan is required for any student utilizing summer housing. Meal plans are viewable here

Summer sessions students are eligible to obtain a Lehigh ID card. ID cards allow access to many campus resources and can be used for a GoldPLUS account (see below). Visit for information on obtaining an ID card.

GoldPLUS: GoldPLUS works like a debit account, but it is encoded right on the Lehigh ID card. GoldPLUS is accepted at hundreds of locations on and off campus, including many eating establishments, library copiers, vending machines, the bookstore, and more. For more information, visit or call (610) 758-6169.

If you plan to transfer the credits from your summer course(s) to another institution, you will need to request your official transcript online upon completion of your course(s). Please visit for additional information regarding transcript requests.

Parking Services generally announces the sale of summer session permits in May of each year. Visit for more information.

Textbooks and additional materials required for your course(s) can be found by searching here -